Did You Know: Pennsylvania Home Health Aids and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAS) Are Entitled to Extra Pay For Their Overtime

Under Pennsylvania law, Home Health Aids and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) are entitled to extra pay for hours worked over 40 per week. This extra “overtime” pay must equal “one and one-half” the regular pay rate. For example, if a Home Health Aid or CNA is paid $10/hour, she should receive $15/hour for all of her hours worked over 40 in a 7-day week.

Also, the time Home Health Aids and CNAs spend traveling between clients must be paid. For example, if a Home Health Aid or CNA spends 45 minutes traveling from her first client’s home to her second client’s home, she must be paid for the 45 minutes. In fact, Home Health Aids and CNAs generally are entitled to be paid for all of the time elapsed between their arrival at the first client’s home and their departure from the last client’s home.

Our law firm has recovered millions of dollars for Pennsylvania home health workers who have been cheated by a current or former employer. Don’t get cheated. If you think your rights have been violated, please call us for a free and confidential phone consultation. It would be our pleasure to speak with you.
