George Barrett: Champion of Justice.

George Barrett recently passed away in Nashville, TN. He was 86. For over 50 years, George represented “the little guy” in civil rights and worker’s rights cases. He was a mentor and hero to many younger lawyers, especially our friends at the Nashville firm of Barrett Johnston Martin & Garrison. These lawyers surely will carry George’s torch for many years to come.

George was affectionately known as “The Citizen,” and his long list of accomplishments would fill this Newsletter many times over. Simply put, George was one of this country’s great civil rights and worker’s rights lawyers. His cases helped desegregate the South and brought basic workplace justice to countless employees. In the 1950’s and 60’s, he represented African Americans and unions without regard to public backlash. Even death threats did not deter “The Citizen” from his important work.

George practiced law right up until the end. He worked at the office on Saturday – as he always did – and was hospitalized the next day. That is fitting for a tireless Champion of Justice.
