Winebrake & Santillo Represents Employees of Ecm Energy Services, Inc. Paid a Day Rate

On October 16, 2015, Winebrake & Santillo filed a class and collective action lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania on behalf of all Traffic Control/Manifold Attendants (“TCMAs”) employed by ECM Energy Services who were paid a day rate for their work. A copy of the complaint is attached here.

ECM is an energy services company that performs work in the natural gas and fracking industries in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. The lawsuit alleged that TCMAs regularly worked over 40 hours a week and sometimes as many as 48 to 72 hours a week. However, ECM only paid TCMAs their day rate without any overtime premium pay.

The TCMAs represented by Winebrake & Santillo assert violations of both the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and the Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act and seek unpaid overtime wages. So far a total of five TCMAs have asserted claims against ECM.

If you or a family or friend worked as a TCMA within the last three years and would like a free and completely confidential consultation or more information about the claims against ECM please give us a call at (215) 866-1551. One of our attorneys would be more than happy to speak with you.
