Peter Winebrake Quoted in Article on the U.S. Department of Labor’s Proposed Regulations that Would Expand Federal Overtime Pay

Attorney Pete Winebrake was quoted in an article in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer about the proposed regulations released by the U.S. Department of Labor yesterday that would expand the overtime protections to millions of Americans who are paid on a salary basis and currently considered “overtime exempt.”

Under these proposed regulatory changes, employees who earn below $50,440 a year, or $970 a week, would become eligible for overtime after 40 hours, no matter what their responsibilities or whether they are managers, professionals or administrators. The current salary threshold is $23,660 a year or $455 a week.

Winebrake & Santillo has extensive experience representing workers who are paid a salary and do not receive proper overtime pay for hours worked over 40 in a week. If you would like a free and completely confidential consultation with one of our attorneys please give us a call at (215) 866-1551.
