Supreme Court Update: U.S. Department of Labor’s Supreme Court Brief in Support of the New Home Health Aid Regulations
As we have previously written on this blog, the federal Department of Labor (DOL) recently changed the federal regulations so that almost all home health aids and certified nurses assistants (CNAs) will be covered by the minimum wage and overtime pay regulations of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Unfortunately, the home health industry filed suit, alleging that the regulations were illegal. The U.S. Court of Appeals for District of Columbia found that the regulations are legal, and now the home health industry is trying to get the U.S. Supreme Court to consider the Court of Appeals’ decision. For a really great description of the regulatory changes and the current status of the appeal, you should read the attached brief, in which the United States urges the Supreme Court to reject the home health industry’s attempt to appeal the Court of Appeals’ decision. Here is the link: U.S. Department of Labor Brief in Opposition to Petition of Certiorari