Pete Winebrake Comments in the Philadelphia Inquirer “Workplace Battle Over Arbitration” Article

The Philadelphia Inquirer recently quoted Pete Winebrake of Winebrake and Santillo LLC  in an article on the workplace battle over arbitration.

Disgruntled employees are finding it increasingly difficult to take their workplace disputes to court and instead must arbitrate. Management-side lawyers say arbitration is a “streamlined and less expensive dispute-resolution method” while others  say it is unfair to “take away the rights of the employee to a trail by jury”. Many employees sign arbitration agreements when they are first hired, and therefore are bound to resolve their workplace dispute in arbitration. This allows  employers to “avoid being held accountable for large-scale labor-issues”.

It is likely the Supreme Court will tackle the workplace arbitration issue. Winebrake says, “As an employment-right class-action lawyer, the possible elimination of arbitration is the most important issue in employment law”.

Read “The Workplace Battle Over Arbitration” article here. 

Winebrake and Santillo LLC has recovered millions of dollars in unpaid wages and overtime pay for hard-working employees. Please call us at (215) 866-1551 if you or someone you know believes that he or she has not received full overtime pay.  All phone consultations are confidential and free.
