Our 18-month Referral Fee Report

Our law firm exclusively represents workers in wage and overtime litigation. Our cases range from “single-plaintiff” lawsuits worth a few thousand dollars to class action lawsuits worth millions. We have enjoyed great success by focusing on the quality – rather than the size – of our client’s claims.

Many of our cases are referred to us by our friends at other law firms. As a result, we have had the great pleasure of writing hundreds of referral fee checks to fellow lawyers. We enjoy paying referral fees and we always pay a fair referral fee.

We are happy to provide you with this “18-Month Referral Fee Report.” It summarizes the various referral fees we’ve paid between January 1, 2016 and July 20, 2017. During this 18-month period, we’ve paid referral fees in 42 cases totaling $405,515. These referral fees range from a high of $109,259 to a low of $500. If you have referred us clients in the past, thanks so much.

The following table summarizes the types of wage/overtime claims that have generated referral fees over the past 18 months. We hope this information will give you a “flavor” for the types of claims we handle:

Alleged Violation Date Referral Fee Amount

Nurse not paid for all charting and telephone time July 2017 $858 referral fee
Water truck drivers not paid overtime July 2017 $24,299 referral fee
Salaried office “managers” not paid overtime July 2017 $15,585 referral fee
Gas well employee’s overtime pay miscalculated June 2017 $1,709 referral fee
Call center employees not paid for pre-shift work May 2017 $22,343 referral fee
Satellite dish installer not paid overtime May 2017 $500 referral fee
Salaried warehouse “manager” not paid overtime May 2017 $743 referral fee
Call center employee not paid for pre-shift work May 2017 $3,000 referral fee
Hardware store “manager” not paid overtime May 2017 $20,121 referral fee
Kitchen worker not paid for all work hours April 2017 $783 referral fee
Home health aid not paid overtime April 2017 $555 referral fee
Construction workers not paid for all recorded work April 2017 $1,123 referral fee
Pharmaceutical salesperson denied bonus Feb. 2017 $1,596 referral fee
Oil well inspector not paid overtime Feb. 2017 $1,005 referral fee
Restaurant “manager” not paid overtime Jan. 2017 $4,375 referral fee
Armored car guards/drivers not paid overtime Jan. 2017 $13,352 referral fee
Convenience store employees not paid overtime Dec. 2016 $1,972 referral fee
Delivery driver subjected to improper pay deductions Nov. 2016 $9,600 referral fee
Waitress required to share tips with kitchen staff Nov. 2016 $1,017 referral fee
Visiting nurse not paid for all “charting” time Oct. 2016 $3,410 referral fee
Gas rig workers not paid overtime Oct. 2016 $11,168 referral fee
Doctor’s office “administrator” not paid overtime Oct. 2016 $600 referral fee
Housing authority employee not paid for all work hours Sept. 2016 $914 referral fee
Home health aid not paid overtime Sept. 2016 $3,225 referral fee
Construction site “flaggers” not paid overtime Aug. 2016 $3,644 referral fee
Construction foreman not paid overtime Aug. 2016 $1,072 referral fee
Home health aids not paid overtime Aug. 2016 $39,500 referral fee
Billboard salespeople not paid for all work hours July 2016 $3,913 referral fee
Electrician not paid overtime July 2016 $4,070 referral fee
Tuxedo warehouse employee not paid for all work hours June 2016 $1,838 referral fee
Landscapers’ overtime pay miscalculated June 2016 $19,506 referral fee
Gas rig workers not paid overtime May 2016 $30,426 referral fee
Gas rig workers not paid overtime May 2016 $25,250 referral fee
Servers required to share tips with kitchen staff May 2016 $109,259 referral fee
Convenience store employee not paid overtime May 2016 $1,038 referral fee
Real estate agent denied commission April 2016 $2,406 referral fee
Salesperson’s overtime pay miscalculated April 2016 $2,485 referral fee
Home health aid not paid overtime April 2016 $911 referral fee
Motel “manager” not paid overtime April 2016 $1,945 referral fee
Gas Rig worker not paid overtime March 2016 $2,977 referral fee
Beef processing workers not paid for pre-shift work March 2016 $8,474 referral fee
Gas rig workers not paid overtime Jan. 2016 $2,948 referral fee

If you have previously referred us cases, we greatly appreciate the confidence you have placed in our firm. If you have never referred us a case, we hope you will keep us in mind if the need arises in the future.
