Improper Deductions from Compensation

Improper Deductions from Compensation

Employers often attempt to pass certain operating expenses onto their employees by making deductions from their pay. This frequently happens when an individual is misclassified as an independent contractor rather than employee and has to compensate the company for things like insurance, vehicle costs and other administration fees. However, this can also happen to individuals properly classified as “employees” who are still subject to deductions from their compensation. State wage laws (such as Pennsylvania and New Jersey) severely limit the types of deductions that companies are able to make from their workers’ pay.

If your employer makes improper deductions from your compensation, you may be eligible to make a claim for unpaid wages. If you have any questions about this investigation or would like to discuss a potential claim, please contact us to speak with an attorney for a free and confidential consultation.

Fighting for Fair Wages.™

Our law firm fights for workers who have been deprived of their fair wages and overtime pay. Through diligence and experience, we have fought large and small corporations to recover millions of dollars for our hard-working clients and their deserving families. No corporation is above the law.

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    Through diligence and experience, we have worked to recover hundreds of millions of dollars for our hard-working clients and their deserving families.
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Client Testimonials

  • "Winebrake & Santillo has a considerable record in employment matters."
    Winebrake & Santillo has a considerable record in employment matters.
    - Ricci v. Newrez LLC, 2023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 186727, at *23 (E.D. Pa. Oct. 17, 2023)
  • "Significant experience"

    Attorney Andy Santillo and his co-counsel are “patently qualified” attorneys who “have significant experience with wage payment and collections cases, knowledge of wage-and-hour law, and have clearly done significant work already in this case throughout discovery and the preparation of the motions and opposition papers now before the Court."

    - MARTINEZ V. AMAZON.COM SERVS. LLC, 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 209566, *28, *42-43 (D. Md. Nov. 18, 2024)
  • "An established record"

    W&S and its co-counsel "have an established record of competent and successful prosecution of large wage and hour class actions."

    - Lapan v. Dick’s Sporting Goods, Inc., 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 169508, *7 (D. Mass. Dec. 11, 2015)
  • "Experienced wage and hour class action litigators"

    W&S and its co-counsel "are experienced wage and hour class action litigators with decades of accomplished complex class action between them and that the Class Members have benefited tremendously from able counsel’s representation."

    - Craig v. Rite Aid Corp., 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 2658, *45 (M.D. Pa. Jan 7, 2013)